
Singapore is changing way too fast. Whenever I looked around, something will always be changed. There are times that I think back and missed those wonder times that I had when I was younger. And even times that I want to relive it but they are all gone.

I am thinking, maybe I should document down all these places that are still here.

It is the first week of phase 2 heightened alert in Singapore, so far there is not much difference in my routine since I am already working from home for the past year. So I don’t really feel anything. But I thought maybe I should set some goals and do something different. So that time will past by more meaningful? That is why I am starting writing over here again. I am not sure what exactly I want to achieve but I just want to journal it down. I do come back to this blog every now and then, and I get so much enjoyment just reading through what I went through in my younger days.

I used to be ashame of what I wrote but I learn something, which is if you are not embrassed by your past then you are not growing. So by this definition this means I grew and become better.

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